Meet Our New Head of Business Development
Mark Lee’s wealth of experience working in International Markets meant he was the perfect match for SWR’s new position as Head of Business Development. Find out a bit more about his role and background below.Could you tell us a bit about your background and experience before joining SWR?
I’m an Ex-Army Officer and Spent 20 years in the Army travelling the world with eight of those spent in defence procurement. I therefore think I’ve gained a thorough knowledge of understanding and delivering against customer expectations. Delivering the right results for the manufacturer, the customer and the end user.
I left the Army in April 2008 having been poached to join a small defence company here in Herts as their Business Development Manager. This gave me a proper grounding in how business worked on the other side of the fence and the intricacies of working in a small company.
Four years later, I joined QinetiQ a major international defence company as a Senior Business Development Manager responsible for soldier and vehicle systems. This allowed me to work directly with some of the major defence OEMs such as GDUK, BAE, Lockheed Martin, H&K etc. I learnt a huge amount about big business and the need to exceed customer expectations and move up the ‘Supplier Pyramid’.
What do you see as the most important part of your role as Head of Business Development?
Selling and growing our capability and offerings to new/existing customers based upon our products and services-with a view to expand over time. I believe SWR has huge potential based around its people and their knowledge – we need to tap into this!
What have you noticed about the company since joining SWR?
In the few months I’ve been here, we have demonstrated a lot of innovation and outward thinking to solving customer problems. The team is very adept at delivering solutions which repeatedly bring the customer back to us.
And what about your life outside work?
I’m happily married to Hilary, a Principle Lecturer at the School of Education at University of Hertfordshire. I also have a grown-up son who also has a thirst for all things technical and works as a senior technician with BMW.
Passions include cooking and skiing and I’m at my happiest when sampling good food after a hard day on the slopes!